Monday, January 18, 2010

I have a confession...

I have a confession to make. Something I have been holding on to for more than 16 years. This is something that is honestly hard for me to tell everyone. It's embarrassing and I've been hiding it very well for so long. Are you ready?

I have foot fungus...

That's right... I said it! I have foot fungus. I've had it for more than 16 years. I've kept it hidden from most everyone since it started. When I go to the beach, I hide my foot in the sand. When company comes over, I put socks on. Once our pastor suggested washing the staffs feet on Sunday morning and I freaked!

So why am I telling everyone? Because I made a decision a little over two weeks ago. I decided I was not going to let my problem rule my life any longer. I have tried to get rid of it before, many times in fact. The medicine that I'm supposed to use says it should only take two weeks to clear up, but I never was disciplined enough to actually follow through with the recommended instructions. CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT? I let this issue go on for that long all because I was unwilling to follow through with the instructions on the medicine tube. That is simply ridiculous.

The truth of the matter is, spiritually some of you have something in your life that has been plaguing you for years. Maybe there is a sin in your life that you have yet to give to God. Possibly you are embarrassed by your faith to the point that you have never told anyone about the saving power of Jesus. Maybe you are feeling like your relationship with Jesus stinks and you are too unmotivated to do anything to fix it. Perhaps you have even tried to fix these issues but you failed to keep it up long enough for the situation to heal. This is why I wanted to confess about my problem.

The Spiritual issues in your life are fixable if you would simply follow the insurrections on the medication. For those of you that struggle with a specific sin, memorize scripture that deals with that sin and use it as your weapon against temptation. Get someone who doesn't struggle with the same sin and is strong in the faith to hold you accountable. Often we get someone who is also struggling with the same sin and instead of becoming our foothold against temptation, they become the person who simply says "I agree, that happens to me to!" which holds no benefit. 1 Corinthians 10:13 is the perfect verse of encouragement for those being tempted.

13 The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure. (1 Cor. 10:13)

God will give you a way out if you truly want to overcome the situation you are in.

For those of you who are scared to share your faith, begin to pray and spend time in the word. Ask God to give you opportunities to tell people about him. Ask God to give you the eyes to see those opportunities and the boldness to use the opportunity for God's glory.

For those that feel their relationship with God is lacking, simply breaking out of the routine of busyness and spending some time in the word and prayer will clear this up very quickly. Think about it... don't spend any time with your wife or girlfriend for several months or years, will you feel close to that person? ABSOLUTELY NOT! This happens sometimes to my wife and I. We will go several weeks in the routine of having so many activities that we don't see each other but in passing. Neither of us feel close to each other and we soon realize we need to reboot our schedules so we can fix the issue. The good thing is, that for us, it takes a couple of hours of quality time to fix the issue. I have to also think that if you were to spend some time each day in prayer and reading the word or even just sitting seeking God's presence, that your outlook on that relationship would improve in as little as a week.

The bottom line of this massive post is that I'm now in remission from my foot fungus. I have been faithfully putting my medicine on twice a day for more then two weeks now. The fungus is 98% gone and I can't believe I let it plague me for so long.

My encouragement for you would be to start today on whatever it is in your life that needs a little spiritual medicine. If you are faithful and consistently do what you are instructed to do, then in no time your issue will become a thing of the past! Don't let the struggles and fungus in your life have a hold on you any longer. Start putting on some medicine today!

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