Monday, August 1, 2011

Apple, Taylor Guitars, Spotify and Twitter

Typically when I write a blog post, it is to inspire not only others, but myself. I write it, then read it and hopefully I myself will change.

If you were to ask my friends what I’m passionate about, they would immediately shout “Apple Products”, some would say music, and those that follow me on twitter would say “recently, spotify”. I’ve noticed that when I’m passionate about something, I tend to talk about it..... a lot. Going a step further, I tend to try and get others to be passionate about the same things. When I first came to Carterville Christian Church there was one apple user in the building..... me. Within the first year, the youth minister was buying his first mac. Soon after the administrative assistant purchased one. I’m now in my sixth year of ministry and every staff member uses a apple computer, several volunteers are flaunting the fruit sticker on their car and it all started with passion.

Unfortunately when it comes to talking about Christ, I’m not as expressive. It comes so naturally to talk about apple, but when it comes to Christ, (as my friend Matt says) “I lock up like a cheap computer”.

Maybe you’ve felt the same way.

The reasoning for this comes in many forms.

  1. I don’t know how

So you don’t talk about your faith because you have trouble memorizing the “Sinner’s Prayer”? Well there’s good news! You can memorize the “Sinner’s Prayer” by looking it up in the book of..... oh wait, it is found NO WHERE in the bible. There isn’t a special incantation or poem you need to learn in order to lead someone to Christ. It is quite simple, we are to call people to “believe” in the Lord Jesus (Acts 16:31), “repent... and be immersed... for the forgiveness of your sins” (Acts 2:38, Acts 22:16)

In addition to what God’s word says, if you are a Christian then you have the experience of YOUR experience. You know how you came to a relationship with Christ. Even if it was through a “Sinner’s Prayer,” at some point you came to believe in the Lord Jesus, repented and hopefully was baptized (if not we need to talk).

  1. I don’t know enough

When it comes to taylor guitars and music equipment in general, I tend to be less evangelistic. Mostly it comes from my lack of knowledge. I LOVE music gear but when it comes to knowing the ins and outs of it, I fall short. You may feel this way about the Bible. You don’t feel like you can tell people about Christ because you don’t know enough. However, there is a simple remedy for this.... start reading. Instead of going to on your lunch break to read about the latest NFL news, go to and read through the book of Matthew. The only way to remedy this problem is to study. However, it is possible you will never feel like you know enough. This is a lie the enemy will continue to tell you. I once heard “you can’t lead someone where you’ve never been”. Luckily, if you are a follower of Christ, then you already know enough to get someone where you are.

  1. Lack of opportunities

Some might say they don’t have opportunities to share their faith, but that has never stopped me from talking about apple like crazy. The truth is, when you are passionate about something, the opportunities will find you. When someone asks me “I need a new computer, what should I get?” I take a deep breath, smile and say.... “glad you asked”. If you are passionate about Christ, then it will be on your lips naturally. People will know your passion because it is contagious.

So there you have it!! The next time someone asks you why you are the way your are, you can take a deep breath, smile and say.... “glad you asked”.