Facebook is a interesting service. It has positives and negatives, but either are mostly up to how you choose to use it. Let me first apologize that I only blog once every four months and each post is quite lengthy.
1. False sense of community
Joe: Hey lets go bowling and catch up on things.
Dan: Okay, but I already know that you changed jobs last week, you have two kids who's birthdays are next month, and you ate at taco bell yesterday and it gave you indigestion.
Okay so maybe not the best example, but Facebook seems to allow people to interact without actually interacting. You can feel like you are involved in peoples lives without any true relationship. I read once in a book that Air Conditioning and Garage Doors are at fault for not knowing the names of your neighbors. Let me explain. Before Air Conditioning, you would sit on the porch to catch the cool breeze and end up talking to your neighbors who were doing the same. Facebook has allowed you to know someone without ever talking to them face to face. One word…. sad.
2. Gossip
Joe: Did you hear that Sandy and Chuck broke up?
Dan: Yea, I saw it a few days ago.
Joe: Yea, last week Sandy's Facebook said she's no longer in a relationship with Chuck and then she soon after changed it to "in a relationship with Philip" that is some crazy stuff.
Dan: Juicy!
Facebook has once again made it so so easy to gossip about people. Now I suppose if they wanted it kept a secret than they shouldn't put it out on Facebook for the world to see, but…. that brings me to negative number 3 ;-)
3. Public Image
No example, just an explanation. It is already happening, and soon will be the norm that employers will require you to show them your Facebook page as part of the interview process. Those pictures of "Spring Break" that you posted because you thought they were funny could possibly keep you from getting a job. Now since this is the blog of a worship minister I would assume most of you would never do such a thing…. at least I hope not. But it doesn't even have to be crazy pictures, it could simply be how you come across as a person online. Do your Facebook status updates make you look good or just that you want the world to know you have gone to the bathroom and you're proud of it?
4. Secret Relationships
This one is particularly sad. Facebook is the ultimate way to connect with old friends. It can also be the ultimate way for you to have intimate connections with someone other than your spouse. If you are communicating regularly with someone of the opposite sex that isn't your spouse then STOP! You may think it is innocent, but you are investing in a relationship that could go somewhere it shouldn't. Why don't you post a message to your husband or wife instead. Tell them how stressed you are, what is going on in your life that you can't handle. THEY are the ones you should share your life with, not your old boyfriend or girlfriend from High School.
5. Noise
This typically occurs when people use Facebook in a way it was not intended. People begin to accept friend requests from EVERYONE who asks, even if they have no clue who the person is. What this does is cause your "news" feed to be worthless. You are now seeing status updates from random strangers who think they may have met you one time at a concert. Facebook then simply becomes noise. You may try to create groups of your real friends to provide some clarity, but you have already ruined the opportunity to get the full value out of the service.
Okay, enough negatives…. now the positives.
1. Crowd Sourcing
If by chance number five on the negative list is totally you, then there is one way you can use it to your advantage. Crowd sourcing, it is the art of using the "power of the crowd" to answer questions, get help with something, or even start a poll. If this is you, then try it…. ask a multiple choice question like "Should I buy a Xbox, PS3 or Wii" and watch the commenting begin!
2. Community
If used properly Facebook can be used to assist in real community. Plan get togethers, connect with old friends and plan lunch. Facebook doesn't have to be the beginning and end of the conversation, let it be the beginning and finish it in person.
3. Reuniting Old Friends
Haven't talked to your High School choir teach since High School? Now you can. If not abused, this is a great way to link up with those you have lost communication with.
4. Communication
You can use Facebook to communicate important information about your business or family. If your family lives far away, Facebook is a great way to share pictures, videos and funny things you heard your kids say. If you are a business you can communicate sales and other important information to your customers. Individual websites are becoming less and less relevant because Facebook communication meets people where they already are without having to type in YOUR specific web address.
(Shameless Plug)
If you would like to keep up to date with things going on at Carterville Christian Church then follow us on Facebook. Simply search for Carterville Christian
5. Circle of influence
Some of you have over 800 Facebook friends. Do you realize that you have a larger circle of influence then most churches? If you have more than 800 friends, a single status update will be seen by more people than most pastors talk to on a Sunday morning. You have a "Mega Church" of influence. What are you using your status updates for?
I hope this was insightful and interesting. There are may more I could write about but five positive and five negative are plenty. I would love to know your thoughts in the comments section.
Thanks for reading